Sunday, July 8, 2012

Plantar's Wart and Banana Peel

This entry will make you barf if your graphical tolerance is low.

What I thought was corn on my sole turns out to be plantar's wart. Now I wont show you the picture of the wart when it is still alive, because it is gross. Google is your friend but you have been forewarned.

It was hell for the first two months when the wart developed. It is tender and at the same time it is thickening itself with layers of skin quite rapidly. Trimming the skin is painful sometimes as they are fine veins developed within the wart. The wart have rooted itself deep into my sole. .

Over the counter salicylic acid does not seem to work and it got even worse as it seems to accelerate the skin formation. Up until the good people of the internet swore by banana peels.

The routine is simple. Cut a banana peel ( best to use young bananas) to the size of the wart, tape the peel (with its inside facing the wart) and leave it there for as long as possible. Change it when the peel turn black. I taped the peel before sleep and took it off before going to work.

The first few days I did not see any changes, apart from the banana peel turning very black. Then on the second week of the treatment, something happened.

The perimeter area around the wart start to get very itchy and no matter how much I scratch it, the itch is still there. Few more days of itch, the wart started to turn darker and skin formation seems to slow down.

Upon fourth week of banana peels the wart turned dark, and interstingly the banana peel will not turn bad anymore. So I stopped applying banana peel and left if for few more days.

Then one afternoon while checking the wart, I noticed an edge which I know I can lift the wart off. So I tried to 'dig' the wart out slowly, and when I do not feel any pain at all, I flipped the dead wart out!  It feels like scraping the dead skin off your recovered wound and it feels awesome.

Look at how deep the crater is!

The dead wart. WARNING! You must dispose this very safely or else you might infect your loved ones. This contains HPV virus, which Im pretty sure I got it a few months back when using some shady public toilets back in my hometown, which I accidentally stepped on the wet dirty floor.

What the hell dude seriously if you read everything you are one sick person.

Otherwise banana peels for the win!

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