Saturday, June 9, 2012

First (Minor Upgrade) For the Neo

Took the first step in making my car a little bit better for the time being. Engine conditioning!!

Yes the engine needs conditioning too, much like our hair. Especially second hand cars or cars that have clocked in more than 50000km, where layers of traffic residue can built up within the engine internals. Perhaps the pictures below can illustrate my point further.

What you see above is the throttle body (not mine, but I stole it from the seller's advertisement page) and as you can observe the area right after the valve is black, and it runs all the way into the internals.

The throttle body controls the amount of air that is fed into the engine, and a dirty throttle body means that the engine will have to burn more gas just to compensate for less air/interrupted air flow. Imagine you have to breathe twice as hard when you have a flu.

Not only that, in some cars there will be some sensors located beyond the throttle body, and when the sensors is coated with traffic residue, the ECU might receive inaccurate reading from the sensors and voila! You will have less power with even poorer fuel consumption.

What ThreeBond Engine Conditioner does is simple; it soaks into the the black residue and evaporates into find foamy particles, and the engine will burn it off into clouds of white smoke. This will indirectly clean the piston chambers as well. Shown below is a clean throttle body;


After the treatment the Neo is rather sluggish on the way back home, and it feels like something is choking its 'windpipe'. But what I notice is that engine noise is reduced significantly, and the engine is very responsive. After a few good driving days the choking sensation is gone, which I think there are some foam residues left inside, before being sucked out from the engine completely.

It doesn't stop there. Before the treatment, I can only travel to my workplace and back for three days with RM30. After treatment I get an additional day before refuel. My office is located some 24++ km away, to and fro means a total of 50+-km per day, and I get an extra 50km with a cleaner engine, how neat is that?!

But at the same time I found out that I have bought a car with an accident history, and from the looks of the weld inside the engine bay I can tell that it is quite a big one. Felt like a sucker for not checking it properly before signing the papers.


Mother of fishes.